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IIMHL Update is researched,
edited and designed
by Bill Davis.

For information about the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, please contact Fran Silvestri.

Mental Health Policies and Programs in Selected Countries (Adobe Acrobat document)
"...the second in a series of four reports by the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology as part of its study on mental health, mental illness and addiction. The first report, entitled Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction: Overview of Policies and Programs in Canada, presents an overview of mental illness and addiction policies and services in Canada. This second report draws some lessons for mental health reform in Canada from descriptions of the mental health policies and programs in four selected countries."

Workforce Booklet (Adobe Acrobat document)

daily link  Tuesday, January 18, 2005

By Any Other Name: The Many Iterations of Patient Advocate in Clinical Research   IRB: Ethics & Human Research story at Medscape - " A satisfactory informed consent process for clinical research can be elusive under the best of circumstances. Prospective enrollees may be limited in their understanding of the process by poor education or serious illness. Conflicts of interest may bias investigators' presentations of information. Time constraints and a host of other factors can likewise intrude. In view of such challenges, some observers have proposed that, at least for some kinds of research, prospective enrollees should have someone - a 'patient advocate' or 'research subject advocate' - to enhance the process." [Viewing Medscape resources requires registration, which is free].  
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Psychotherapy helps anxiety disorder   UPI story at PsycPORT - "German researchers report psychotherapy can help patients who have generalized anxiety disorder, which commonly is treated with medication. A study published in the January edition of the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics finds chronic, constant worry or generalized anxiety, one of the most common mental disorders, usually is treated by using antidepressants and benzodiazepines, which include Xanax and Valium..."  
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More trusts seek flagship status (UK)   BBC story - "Another 32 NHS trusts in England have been given the go ahead to apply for foundation status. For the first time they include eight mental health trusts. So far 25 trusts have assumed foundation status, which gives them more freedom over their finances and the way they develop services."  
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Mental hospital ward in stabbing case compared to Beirut   Story in The Guardian - "The NHS apologised yesterday for bungling the care of a mental patient who stabbed a man to death shortly after discharging himself from a violent hospital ward, described by staff as "like Beirut". An independent inquiry found that mistakes in the treatment of Dale Pick, 35, who has paranoid schizophrenia, were linked to overcrowding and understaffing at the Beaumont ward of Bradgate mental health unit in Leicester, where he was a voluntary patient. "  
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Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.

IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and the Centre for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.