Two documents that will be of interest to those attending the IIMHL Leadership Exchange are the following:
Te Puawaitanga: Maori Mental Health National Strategic Framework , which includes additional links to other Maori Health Publications, and A Pacific Perspective on the NZ Mental Health Classification and Outcomes Study (Microsoft Word format),
prepared for the Mental Health Commission by Fuimaono Karl Pulotu-Endemann, Magila Annandale and Annette Instone provides a Pacific perspective on the policy implications arising from the New Zealand Mental Health Classification and Outcomes Study (CAOS). The paper summarises the CAOS evidence focussing on Pacific-specific information.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
NIH Clears Most Researchers In Conflict-of-Interest Probe Washington Post story - "Most of the 100 or so National Institutes of Health researchers who the agency has said are under investigation for allegedly engaging in secret deals with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies have been cleared by NIH investigators, according to agency officials. The unexpected finding that as much as 80 percent of the seeming improprieties were actually the result of errors by government investigators has undermined the rationale behind NIH Director Elias A. Zerhouni's recent decision to impose severe restrictions on the personal activities and finances of all of the agency's more than 5,000 employees, said scientists and NIH officials upset about the new rules. " [Viewing
Washington Post stories requires registration, which is free.]
Ongoing Depression Management Cost Effective Reuters Health story at
Medscape - "Taking a disease management approach to depression leads to improved outcomes and is cost effective, according to a report in the January/February issue of the Annals of Family Medicine. In fact, Dr. Kathryn Rost from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Aurora told Reuters Health that 'health plans interested in improving the treatment they provide for depression... need to adopt models that provide care management on an ongoing basis, rather than an acute basis.' " [Viewing
Medscape resources requires registration, which is free].
Doctors fail to diagnose bipolar disorder in studyUS News &World Report story - "bout 5 percent of people are thought to experience the cycles of mania and depression that characterize bipolar disorder. But it's not clear that primary-care doctors know how to catch the disorder during routine checkups. Researchers at a clinic for low-income patients in New York City looked at how likely primary-care doctors were to diagnose the disorder..."
Guidance in Improving Better Mental Health Services for Deaf People (UK) Story at
a2mediagroup - "The NHS must provide specialised services for deaf people with mental health problems, such as a sign language translation in every GP practice, according to new guidance published today by the Department of Health. The guidance, Towards Equity and Access: Mental Health and Deafness sets out how mental health services for Deaf people can be improved using the template of the National Service Framework for Mental Health as a starting point, and is supported by £2.5 million..."
State hospitals’ screening of patients finds many with drug treatment needs (Washington) Story in
The Chronicle - "Since the start of a new project in April 2004, chemical dependency counselors stationed in six of Washington’s busiest trauma centers have screened 8,100 patients and identified a surprisingly high number who would benefit from treatment for alcohol and other drug-use disorders, according to a news release from the state Department of Social and Health Services. The five-year, $16 million project, paid for by a federal grant, is called Washington State Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment, or WASBIRT, and is administered by the Department of Social and Health Services Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse."
Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.
IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and
the Centre
for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.