Two documents that will be of interest to those attending the IIMHL Leadership Exchange are the following:
Te Puawaitanga: Maori Mental Health National Strategic Framework , which includes additional links to other Maori Health Publications, and A Pacific Perspective on the NZ Mental Health Classification and Outcomes Study (Microsoft Word format),
prepared for the Mental Health Commission by Fuimaono Karl Pulotu-Endemann, Magila Annandale and Annette Instone provides a Pacific perspective on the policy implications arising from the New Zealand Mental Health Classification and Outcomes Study (CAOS). The paper summarises the CAOS evidence focussing on Pacific-specific information.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Medicaid Alert: House and Senate Move Forward With Budget Resolutions Cutting Medicaid Alert at the NAMI web site - "Both the House and Senate Budget Committees acted this week on separate versions of the FY 2006 budget resolution that include cuts to the Medicaid program. When the full Senate takes up its version next week, Senators Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) will be offering an amendment to reject these cuts and instead authorize a bipartisan commission on the future of the program..." The alert also includes links to background information regarding Medicaid cuts, information on the Medicaid program and its importance to children and adults with severe mental illnesses and information on the Smith-Bingaman Amendment.
Allegheny County Mental Health Court Project A report (in
Adobe Acrobat format) called to our attention at the
Open Minds web site - " Allegheny County’s Mental Health Court experienced its share of growing pains over its first 30 months. It has accepted far fewer offenders with mental illness than planned. And the average time they spent in jail before their release under supervised service plans was longer than the court’s architects envisioned. But the outcomes of the mentally-ill offenders who took part in the Mental Health Court are encouraging. Recidivism is remarkably low. Fewer than 10 percent of offenders in the program strayed from their treatment plan or otherwise breached their agreement with the court. Only one was terminated from the program for repeatedly violating the terms of her probation. How well these men and women will do over the long term is unclear, particularly after their probation expires and they are no longer under close supervision. But the courts in Allegheny County now have a process that allows judges to look at nonviolent offenders with mental illness and ask whether it is more prudent to treat than to incarcerate."
Three Researchers in NIH Controversy Are Leaving Los Angeles Times story - "Three senior researchers at the center of a controversy at the National Institutes of Health over moonlighting for the pharmaceutical industry are leaving the government, officials said. The departures come at a time when the NIH is implementing tougher conflict-of-interest rules that prohibit all agency employees from accepting consulting fees, stock options or any compensation from the industry..." [Viewing
Los Angeles Times stories requires registration, which is free].
Fewer Panic Attacks With Talk Therapy WebMD story - "People get fewer panic attackspanic attacks when they get talk therapy as well as drug treatment. The therapy -- a simplified version of a psychotherapy known as cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT -- took only six, hour-long sessions over 12 weeks. Since many panic-attack patients do not ever see a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, the treatment was designed to be given in doctors' offices by nurses trained in the technique. University of Washington researcher Peter P. Roy-Byrne, MD, and colleagues report the findings in the March issue of
Archives of General Psychiatry."
Poverty May Raise Mental Illness Risk Health Day News story at
Yahoo - "The stresses of poverty may increase a person's risk for mental illness, according to a new U.S. study. 'The poorer one's socioeconomic conditions are, the higher one's risk is for mental disability and psychiatric hospitalization,' researcher Christopher G. Hudson of Salem State College, in Massachusetts, said in a prepared statement. He and his colleagues analyzed data on 34,000 patients with a history of two or more psychiatric hospitalizations in Massachusetts from 1994 to 2000. Reporting in the current issue of the
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, they found a correlation between risk of mental illness and unemployment, poverty and inability to afford housing."
Award-Winning Documentary on Schizophrenia to be Screened at Mental Health Meeting in San Francisco PR Newswire press release - "The award-winning documentary Out of the Shadow, which illuminates the national plight of schizophrenia through one family's struggle, will be shown at the annual training conference of the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare on Monday, March 14 at 4:30 p.m. PST. The audience at this national conference will consist of more than 1000 mental health and substance abuse providers. The making of Out of the Shadow was a personal journey for director/producer Susan Smiley, whose mother Millie lives with schizophrenia. The film, an official selection at the Vancouver Film Festival and SILVERDOCS: the AFI/Discovery Channel Film Festival, offers a frank look at this complex disease, dispels stigmas and misconceptions surrounding schizophrenia, and presents the challenges Smiley's family has faced while navigating the public health system."
Senate passes mental health reform bill, with major price tag (Washington) Seattle Post Intelligencer story - "The state Senate on Thursday passed an ambitious and expensive bill to reform the mental health care system in Washington state. While the $90 million to $140 million cost put off some senators, bill sponsor Sen. Jim Hargrove said the cost of inaction will be much higher. 'What this bill does is make our drug-and-alcohol and mental health system work better and be adequately funded so we can save piles and piles of money,' said Hargrove, D-Hoquiam. He said the state could save $80 billion over the next 20 years in jail costs, hospital expenses, education, law enforcement and social services by improving the mental health system so people get the treatment they need. Most of the bill's provisions will take effect only if the Legislature provides money in the budget for them. The state faces a $2.2 billion budget shortfall over the next two years, plus cuts in federal mental health funding." See also
Governor signs mental health parity into law at the same source.
Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.
IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and
the Centre
for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.