Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2002

Pioneer 10 lives.
5:29:25 PM      comments []

WS-Policy is public. This spec is significant as it is a step towards separating message content declaration (aka "what we have now in WSDL") from the services and QoS declaration. There are also significant new specs around WS-Security. WS-Trust and WS-SecureConversation are specifically interesting for things as those that I have been doing with my Kerberos integration with WS-Security, because it provides a framework for establishing trust relationships and secure, "connection-like" bidirectional conversations (and not only one-shot messages).

5:10:46 PM      comments []

Microsoft Watch: "One source close to the company said that Microsoft has held internal discussions to kick around ideas for XML-specific language, referred to internally as 'X#'." (via Managed Space) [Brian Jepson's Radio Weblog]

(a) Dig out your PDC2001 CD.
(b) Look for the "XLANG/s" sample
(c) Look at the assemblies with ILDASM

4:38:40 PM      comments []