Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003

My dinner with Don.

I had a fantastic dinner with Don and Steve Swartz (Steve should start a blog so I can finally link to him and so that he can share his infinite wisdom; folks, you don't know what you're missing). Great Indian food and surprisingly good beer -- and we Germans have pretty high standards.

We were talking lots about (multidimensional!) XML, Web services moving forward and on the way home in the car, we've discussed a sufficient set of requirements for the metadata you need to bind to an XML Web service that is reliable, secure (and all the other WS-I goo). Result: You need a way to describe the message body and you need a way to describe the QoS and security features. (Mildly) annotated XSD covers the first, WS-Policy covers the second. Where does that leave WSDL?

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