Sonntag, 18. Mai 2003

My talks at Microsoft TechEd in Dallas will be:

WEB404: ASP.NET Web Services Extensibility: "I didn't know you could do that!"
DEV359: Aspect Oriented Programming
DEV357: Building Distributed .NET Applications

The last one (which is likely going to be rescheduled to earlier in the week than Thursday) is the most important and ambitious one. I will try to give some guidance around the "appropriate use" of .NET Remoting, Enterprise Services and Web Services and show that there that there's no "vs." or "or" between those three technologies but an "and". I'll talk about layers and tiers, process models, security, data, objects, services -- all in a bit more than an hour.


6:04:27 PM      comments []

Still on the road.

Friday was my first scheduled office day after 2 1/2 months on the road. Now I am sitting in the CSA airport lounge in Prague (free Internet, bring cable) waiting for my flight to Bucharest. Tuesday I go to Frankfurt, then on to our TornadoCamp.NET event in Bad Ems (Germany) where I'll be for the rest of the week. As per current planning, I'll have a couple of days at home next week and then I am going to Dallas, TX for TechEd. The U.S. is country #18 on this year's list -- no, wait, been there already this year.

For TechEd I am prepping a set of new extensions for ASMX. I think ASMX doesn't do as well in regards to its support for XML Schema as it could.

5:52:22 PM      comments []