Dienstag, 1. Juli 2003

German Software Legends

A picture named teched2003-aufsteller.jpg

The parodies on the "Software Legends" cardboard cutouts that were all over TechEd Dallas even continues over here in Barcelona. Ralf Westphal had the idea for a quick photo session a few hours ago and actually created a set of cutouts of himself, Christian Weyer, myself and the legend of legends, Juval Löwy (here is the legendary "Cardboard Juval Conquers Dallas" photo series by Stephen Forte).

4:40:46 PM      comments []

ASP.NET Soap Extension Wizard

While preparing for my WEB404 talk on Web Services extensibility tomorrow at 18:15 in Room 7 at TechEd Barcelona, I remembered that I had built this some 9 months ago. So I made a version that works for Visual Studio .NET 2003 and will show that tomorrow. Here's the current zip file, which includes the installation notes. The zip file contains a file 'InstallerUtil.cs' that implements a helper class supporting the installer that the wizard generates. Put it into a utility assembly and reference it. Aside from that, it's just 3 simple steps to get it running.

4:16:40 PM      comments []