Updated: 9/11/06; 6:56:57 AM.
Gil Friend
Strategic Sustainability, and other worthy themes of our time

Thursday, January 6, 2005

[Roland Tanglao]: Note to self: Andy Kessler like Steve Jobs is crazy but what he writes below makes sense in a wacky sort of way.

Andy Kessler (author of Running Money), in the WSJ: We Think, They Sweat:
...you start to get a feel for how the world works. A $1.5 billion trade deficit increases wealth in the U.S. by some $16 billion - I'll take that trade any day.

A contrarian perspective on outsourcing.

10:22:58 PM    comment []  trackback []

Two very interesting, and very different, big picture views of our current world and current situation have come across my view recently. Both are worth your attention.

Meta-historian William Irwin Thompson, writes, with his typical grand sweep, of Al Qaeda, the Neocons, and the Transition from Nation-State to Noetic Polity in Ocean Arks International's Annals of Earth (but available on line here, about 2/3 down the page):

This new historical situation is one in which we are shifting from the era of a global industrial economy of territorial nation-states to a planetary cultural-ecology of noetic polities (a noetic polity is one based on consciousness and not territorial identify). The war against Islamicist terrorism is not a war against a territorial nation-state; it is a conflict against a noetic polity that seeks to destroy the secular modernism of the industrial nation-state to replace it with regional Caliphates in a single global Islamic civilization. In a medieval Caliphate, the leader rules for life, so it is not surprising that modern-day Caliphs like Gaddafi in Libya, Mubarak in Egypt, and Hassad in Syria, rule for decades and are not subject to the Western politics of election and re-election.

Paradoxically, enemies tend to become like one another through conflict. "We become what we hate...."
The American soldiers that died in Iraq did not die "defending their country"; they died defending Cheney and Bush's interests in Halliburton and the Carlyle Group. These neocon corporate managers, very much like the privateers and pirates that helped Queen Elizabeth create a postbaronial world of naval power, are offshore pirates that care as little for the entire nation, as Texan Enron cared for the state of California it plundered. Historically, these neocon managers have moved beyond national patriotism, and only have need of patriotic propaganda and national armies to provide them with the soldiers they need to advance their mafia Don aims. So when Saddam Hussein was not co-operating with Cheney and Rumsfeld, it was decided by the Defense Policy Board of Pearle, Woolsley, and Wolfowitz to take him out but call this mafia hit "the installation of democracy in Iraq" -- this even before Bush Jr. was chosen by the party to be its publicist.

From another coast (or another planet) Victor Davis Hanson offers
Into the Tar Pits: Dinosaurs either evolve or die in National Review Online.

What has happened? Sometime around the 1980s, the Right saw the demise of the Soviet Union as an opportunity to evolve beyond realpolitik to promote not just anti-Communism but grassroots democracy, coupled with free-market globalism from Eastern Europe to Latin America and Asia. In contrast, the hard Left stayed in its knee-jerk suspicion of the West and continued to give a pass to authoritarians from Cuba to Iran who professed socialism, thinking that the world was a static zero-sum game in which somebody's gain spelled another's loss -- oblivious that real wealth could be created by a change of mentality and technology and not mere exploitation....

Action and results, not rhetoric and intentions, are what matter. Cease blaming others for declining popularity. There is neither a Karl Rove conspiracy nor an envisioned red-state theocracy. No, the problem with our Left is what killed the dinosaurs: a desire to plod on to oblivion in a rapidly evolving world.

I've been keeeping the politic rhetoric limited on this blog, and the focus more professional, for a variety of reasons. But I'm expecting that both these pieces will intrigue you and both will piss you off. And maybe generate some new and uncomfortable thoughts, which is good medicine in this day and age.

So have at 'em.

8:42:54 PM    comment []  trackback []

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