Updated: 9/11/06; 7:44:42 AM.

Monday, April 18, 2005

I've written a lot about product take back and zero waste strategies as a business imperative. The pressure comes from outside as well:

Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition releases 'alternative' unApple annual report, From iPod to iWaste -- http://www.computertakeback.com/docUploads/UnApple%20Report.pdf -- and asks people to join our press conference and rally on the morning of the Apple shareholders meeting on Thursday, April 21, from 9am to 10am, at Apple's headquarters in Cupertino. (Details below).

What: Rally at the Apple shareholders meeting When: Thursday, April 21 9:00 am Where: Apple Headquarters, 1 Infinite Loop, Building 4, Cupertino CA (near 280 and DeAnza Blvd) More info: http://www.badapple.biz or http://www.computertakeback.com
10:49:48 PM    comment []  trackback []

'Sustainable Business - A Declaration of Leadership' now has its own web site.

PDF downloads are free; hard copy posters (11x17, Reincarnation 105# book paper (100% recycled, 50% post-consumer) suitable for framing, hanging in your office, or giving to your boss, are now available for purchase.

Coming soon: discussion space to explore how people are putting the Declaration into practice.

You can find the story behind the poster -- and the challenge it carries -- in my latest Sustainability Sundays posting at WorldChanging.com.
9:18:58 PM    comment []  trackback []

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