Thursday, January 26, 2006 |
Natural Logic has been chosen as a winner for one of Environmental Business Journal's 2005 Business Achievement Awards! The award will be presented at publisher Environmental Business International's Environmental Summit in March.
Their 'Project Merit Award' recognizes Natural Logic for
pioneering innovative strategies to assist companies and communities in initiatives that allow them to go 'beyond compliance' and develop sustainable operations. By offering an innovative 'risk and fiduciary responsibility' lens to clients and the public, the company says that it is changing traditional perceptions of environmental management by 'deeply linking' environment, health, and safety issues to company strategy, risk management, and the mandates laid out in corporate charters. In one project conducted over the past year, Natural Logic, in partnership with StopWaste.Org, GreenBiz.com, What's Working, and SeaChange, completed the initial 18-month design and development cycle for the Sustainable Business Rating System. Also, the Washington State Department of Ecology has engaged Natural Logic to benchmark the performance of pulp and paper mills, and to help explore approaches to streamlined, performance-based regulatory regimes. In addition, Natural Logic is advising a large pharmaceutical company on the development of its next-generation environmental management information system (EMIS); also it continues its long-standing work with the City of Berkeley, California, which continues to raise the bar on effective civic action.
Thanks and congrats to our team and colleagues for making this happen.
1:42:53 AM
Tuesday 31 January 2006 Reception: 5:30 pm Program: 6:00 pm
Nick Aster, TriplePundit (http://www.triplepundit.com) Alex Steffen, WorldChanging (http://www.worldchanging.com) Graham Hill, TreeHugger (http://www.treehugger.com) Seil, Green LA Girl (http://greenlagirl.blogspot.com)
Moderated by Gil Friend (hey, that's me!), Natural Logic (http://www.natlogic.com) (and this blog: http://radio.weblogs.com/0109157/
Here's the blurb from Eric Corey Freed, who put the event together:
In recent years, the art of web-logs, or 'blogs' has risen in importance in the fields of journalism, politics and art. As sustainability reaches a 'tipping point' in our culture, several bloggers have emerged at the forefront of this movement.
Join this distinguished panel of leading bloggers reporting on the fast changing world of environmental responsibility. They will discuss current issues, trends and milestones in environment, ecology, and sustainability. These bloggers are often the first to break a story on significant developments in the environmental field. Co-Sponsored by organicARCHITECT, Natural Logic and Presidio School of Management
COST: $8 Members, $15 Non-members
LOCATION: The Commonwealth Club 595 Market Street (at Second), San Francisco
INFO: http://www.organicarchitect.com/events/bloggers.html
1:30:49 AM
© Copyright 2006 Gil Friend.