Sunday, February 26, 2006 |
Wrong. Alex Steffen event is cancelled.
As in sold out for the Commonwealth Club on Tuesday:
The Commonwealth Club does offer a waiting lists one hour prior to the start of each sold out program and will work to accommodate as many attendees as possible. Commonwealth Club members have priority on all waiting lists.
So it goes.
8:30:51 PM
Alex Steffen, co-founder and Executive Editor of the popular
environmental weblog WorldChanging.com (See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WorldChanging):
Tuesday February 28, Reception, 5:30 pm, Program 6:00 pm The Commonwealth Club, 595 Market Street @ 2d St, San Francisco COST: $8 members, $15 nonmembers, INFO: http://www.commonwealthclub.org/mlf.html
Here's Eric Corey Freed's invite:
Want to change the world? You're not alone. Indeed, millions of people are now working together in loosely-joined networks, creating dynamic new tools, models and ideas for building a bright green future -- a future sustainable, just and prosperous. Alex Steffen, Executive Editor of award-winning Worldchanging.com, shares snapshhots from the frontlines of innovation -- from sustainable cities to landmine-detecting flowers, from drinking straws that filter water to democratic software. Another world is possible, say antiglobalization activists. Another world is already here, says Worldchanging, and Steffen will give you the guided tour of how you can make a difference.
Ready to be inspired? See you there! (I'm an occasional contributor, regular reader and big fan of WorldChanging. Check it out; you will be too.)
8:13:38 PM
No shortage of things to do around here! These are regularly-scheduled green networking events, according to OrganicArchitect: (check there for mailing list and other events)
First Wednesday of the month, 5:30-7:30 p.m. San Francisco Green Drinks LOCATION: Varnish, 77 Natoma St, Nr Howard INFO: Alex Tynberg, Trust for Public Land alex.tynberg at tpl.org or 415-495-5660 ext.523
First Thursdays, 4:30-6:00 pm Bay Area LEED Users Group US Green Building Council LEED Online: a discussion of the new green certification process. COST: Donations accepted ($1-$5) - Snacks included! LOCATION: Swinerton Offices, 260 Townsend Street (Between 3rd and 4th) INFO: bkrill at swinerton.com
First Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 PM City Art Galleries open to the public Galleries of Downtown San Francisco Many of galleries participate in First Thursdays. The galleries hold their monthly openings where you can see some art and swill some wine. A good starting place is 49 Geary. COST: Free
1st Thursdays, 6pm: Monthly Networking for Public Relations and Business Professionals Fee: No Charge, No-host bar, RSVPs encouraged. XYZ Bar in the W Hotel, Third and Howard Streets, Valet parking available. RSVP: www.prsasf.org OFF FOR JULY, RESUMES IN SEPTEMBER 1st Thursdays, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Sustainability Happy Hour - East Bay LOCATION: The Conga Lounge @ Cafe Rustica 5422 College Avenue, Oakland, 510-654-1601 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SustainabilityHappyHourEastBay/cal 1st Thursdays, 6 - 9pm : First Thursday Networking Club Meeting Email for location & RSVP: mike at cityfeet.com mmayeri at aol.com 2nd Thursdays: Sustainable Business Happy Hour - San Francisco http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SustainableBusinessHappyHourSF/ Second Thursdays, 6pm "GreenHouse" SFUAS Sustainability Mixer Series INFO: gustavo at sfuas.org www.sfuas.org LOCATION: Elixir, 16th & Guerrero http://www.elixirsf.com COST: Free
2nd Thursdays, 12:00am to 1:15pm Peer 2 Peer: The Leads Group for SVASE Members Mark Harter, mharter at pacbell.net http://www.svase.org 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30 to 7 PM Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA) Mixer FREE to GGBA Members, $10 for Guests www.ggba.com 3rd Thursdays (typically): Business After Hours San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Monthly Mixer Cost is $10 for Chamber members; $20 for prospective members; $5 additional at the door Contact Jason Kleimola at 415-352-8840 or jkleimola at sfchamber.com. 3rd Friday of month, 12:00 noon Networking Works e-mail shelia_tyson at yahoo.com Sinbad's, Pier 2 cost is $20.00 (lunch, tax and tip included). Reservation is required. 4th Tuesdays, 7:00 PM: The Presidio Dialogues http://www.thepresidiodialogues.org At Saybrook Graduate School & Research Center 747 Front Street (@ Broadway) Third Floor In downtown San Francisco 415-249-1830 info at ThePresidioDialogues.org Each Thursday, 7am-8:30am Better Referral Network LOCATION: Jazz Café, 2087 Addison St in Berkeley INFO: jshore at aspirefunding.com
8:07:08 PM
© Copyright 2006 Gil Friend.