'If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do, HOW WOULD I BE? WHAT WOULD I DO?'
- R. Buckminster Fuller
The Buckminster Fuller Intitute reoprts that details for DESIGN SCIENCE LAB 2006 are now online at:http://www.designsciencelab.org/newyork.php (June 21-30) and http://www.designsciencelab.org/asheville.php (July 19-28)
The Design Science Lab offers a unique inter-generational, intense, and collaborative environment in which participants develop solutions to global and local problems using present day technology
and known resources--'doing more with less'. The program features hands-on training
experience in complex problem solving, employing an approach pioneered by R. Buckminster Fuller called comprehensive anticipatory design science.
Consider this a recommendation. I cut my teeth on Bucky's 'World Game' -- a month-long version of this -- 30+ years ago. This 'design charrette for the planet,' as I call it, was a deep dive into both big picture systems thinking and nitty-gritty, on-the-ground data -- looking at (1) where we are as a planet, (2) where need to be for success for 100% of humanity, and (3) how we got from #1 to #2 -- reverse engineering the pathway. The clear conculsion: we could find no resource or technology barriers to planetary success, only shortages of human and political will. That set my course -- from World Game to Institute for Local Self-Reliance to Office of Appropriate Technology to Natural Logic (with a few other interesting stops along the way).
There's a thread that has run through it all. More on that soon.
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