Monday, June 12, 2006 |
Lots of new releases geospatial releases from Google today:
. Satellite imagery update: . New version of Google Earth: . Google SketchUp with textured buildings: . Updates to Google Maps and the Google Maps API, including . Google Maps API, and KML for Google Maps . Google Maps for Enterprise
Google Earth is available at http://earth.google.com/. The Google Maps API is available at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/.
2:54:34 PM
Coming to you today from Google's GeoDeveloper Day -- the pre-event to the Where 2.0 conference tomorrow and Wednesday. Stay tuned for details -- unless I get so engroessed I forget to blog -- and most likely for a longer piece soon on WorldChanging.
The Google and event focus: looking at the intersection of "search, maps and geolocation."
My focus: the intersection of that with sustainability -- and sustainable business -- opportunities. And in particular, the intersection of place information and flow information and both businesses and communities.
Larry: "Since you can't be in more than one place at a time, these tecchnologies enable you to act as if you are."
Stats: GoogleEarth developers: 30,000 GoogleEarth downloads: 100,000,000 unique individuals
News: GoogleEarth 4 released today (Beta), simultaneously Windows/Mac/Linux
On to the "mashup and KML showcase"!
1:25:25 PM
© Copyright 2006 Gil Friend.