Updated: 9/11/06; 7:51:14 AM.

Monday, August 14, 2006

(Time for a little shameless self-promotion.)

"Measuring What Matters" webinars
Using sustainability indicators to track and drive better performance
August 21, 2006, 12:00-1:00pm Pacific / August 29, 2006, 10:00a-11:00am Pacific

Program Summary
In response to popular demand, Natural Logic will begin offering a series of webinars, to deliver more information, to more people, with less carbon footprint!

First up: "Measuring What Matters."

Everyone knows that what gets measured gets done.

But how do you make sense of the growing mix of sustainability indicators, metrics, and KPIs that are such an essential part of sustainability reporting?

How do you select powerful measures˜and compelling goals-- that help track and drive better decisions, and better performance?

And how do you actually put those measures to work for your organization: supporting strategy, implementation, and results?

Monday, August 21, 2006
12:00pm to 1:00pm Pacific (3:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern)
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
10:00am to 11:00am Pacific (1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern)
(Check your own time zone))

Price: $149

Satisfaction guaranteed: We're so confident you'll get what you want from this webinar that we'll refund your full fee if you're not satisfied. It's risk-free.

Register now using this link, or paste this URL into your browser: http://www.meetingbridge.com/seminar/?9025596

This webinar is designed for people and organizations who have been grappling with the challenge of integrating sustainability into day-to-day work throughout their organization. Bring your specific issues and challenges for discussion.

Measuring What Matters will cover
- How and when to set powerful goals
- How to select relevant metrics for every level and purpose
- How to manage the nuts & bolts of managing metrics:
collecting, analyzing and deploying performance indicators

This webinar is based on Natural Logic's popular day-long workshop: "Measuring What Matters: Tools for Assessing Progress towards Sustainability" Some representative comments:
- "Excellent!"
- "Informative and inspiring."
- "I'll be able to use the info to review our divisions' performance measures."
- "The most valuable sustainability workshop I've been to."

Webinar leader
Gil Friend, founder, president and CEO of Natural Logic, Inc., is a systems ecologist and business strategist with 35 years experience in business development and environmental innovation -- and inventor of the Business Metabolics™ key performance indicator (KPI) system. He authors The New Bottom Line, an internationally distributed column offering strategic perspectives on business and environment, and writes and speaks worldwide on business, environment, and resource policy issues.

Natural Logic
Natural Logic provides strategic, analytic and management services, supported by proprietary protocols and tools, that build our customers' profit, resilience and competitive advantage through exceptional environmental performance.

Our strategic assessments evaluate your company's aspirations, processes and productivity, identify opportunities to recover the lost profit embedded in "waste" of all kinds, and uncover your hidden profit potential. Our design, training, implementation and monitoring services help you put the "how" into practice.

Natural Logic. Sustainable performance you can take to the bank.™

If you have questions, or to schedule the full, day-long Measuring What Matters workshop for your organization, call 1-877-628-5644 (outside the US call +1-510-849-5467) or email measures at natlogic dot com

We look forward to seeing you on line!
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