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Krzysztof Kowalczyk's Weblog
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daily link  Sunday, June 02, 2002

Bad Radio

There we go - my first bad impression about Radio. I was using Radio's outliner. I like outliners. I was thinking that I could use Radio as my primary outliner. But that's not going to happen because Radio crashed on me and I've lost about half an hour of work. That's not the way to ship software, Dave. My confidence in feasibility of outlining in Radio is shattered and my confidence in Radio in general (as a weblog tool) rather low.

Ironically enough, I was trying to write about the lack of commercial outliners. It's back to Ecco for me.


This is a test of posting to my blog straight from the outliner. Will it work? Does it have any surprises? Does it post the whole outline or just the part I'm positioned at? The answer is just a few clicks away.

Ok, so the way it works is that it copies the text from the outliner to the edit box thing in the browser and the rest is the same. For unknown reason the whole text was bold in the edit box. A bug? A feature?


Oh, heavens, as I suspected, posting a new item also updated the template. Life's good but would be even  better if this thing had a spell-check. Too bad Microsoft didn't bundle spell-checker with the OS. You would think it would be simpler to code than a web browser.


My first impressions are good. After creating new post it appears immediately on the public web site hosted by Userland. I don't have such luck with the template yet. I've changed it, I can see it on my local web server but it's not updated in public site. Can it be that this option doesn't work on trial copy?


Oh, I found the outliner (note to self: use "Open Radio" from the menu in the Radio's task bar icon). Let's roll...   permalink  

This is my first post using Userland's Radio (not yet paid for)... I wonder how many weblogs begins like that. Better than "test, test", I guess.

I'm not grokking the tool yet, but that's understandable. I've been following bloggin' thing for a long time. I think I understand the philosphy but I certainly don't understand (yet, I hope) the particular tool. I had an impression that radio had an outliner but all I can see is this lousy edit box (ok, edit box isn't lousy when you compare it with other edit-boxes-in-the-browser, but it's lousy when you compare it with any other editing tool, like Emacs or Ecco. And it doesn't have spell-checker (at least as far as I can see in my first five minutes of exploring it).

Ok, I'm pressing the magic "Post to Weblog" button. Wonder what will happen.


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Last update: 9/20/2002; 11:47:03 PM.