Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The Good Earth is the sort of story I like and if it can happen in the world of wine (grapes have been controversial for a long time now) its pretty optimistic. The article is old (2003) and its about sustainability, organic farming, and the zero waste of Paul Dolan's vision of an organic wine business (he's right - organic wine is a very different taste - epiphany). Naive, idealistic social values about the environment and people can still be financially successful. BTW, if you've never had a glass of organic wine, try Fetzer's Five Hills Blue (for under $6 a bottle I like it a lot!). It's a treat and if Northern California is in your summer, you could also check out the Fetzer Organic Garden Tour.
2:46:40 PM
June marks the 4 year anniversary of this blog. A good time to reflect on the original objectives and accomplishments, if any :). For the curious here's a few random months to browse through - June 2003; January 2004; May 2005; January 2006 (big-time aggregation not really blogging this month!)
1:29:21 PM
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The Eprint Versions project is investigating ways to build trust in open access repository content by exploring the lifecycle of the academic research paper.
9:31:12 PM
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
dLIST patches to Eprints and PKP software are now easily available for your download and use. Thanks to Joseph Roback, dLIST Research Assistant and a graduate student in the Dept. of Computer Science, University of Arizona. The user functionalities include:
- EPrints -> Displaying "Latest Additions" from Apache SSI (Server Side Include)
- EPrints -> Displaying "News" from Apache SSI (Server Side Include)
- EPrints Statistics -> Various Bug Fixes, MySQL improvements
- PKP -> OAI Flow Control Harvesting
- PKP -> OAI ListSet Harvesting
- PKP -> Improved Advanced Search, Optimized for MySQL4+
The patches and documentation can be downloaded from the dLIST Technical Notes & Downloads page. Please let me know if you find them useful and we'll include you on a new 'dLIST brag' page. Thanks.
7:10:11 AM
Monday, March 20, 2006
Thanks to Carla Stoffle for information about a study which examined newly proposed ALA core competencies and the online descriptions of LIS accredited programs. The report and accompanying data are now available from the ALA Accreditation website.
Title: Comparison of ALA Draft Competencies and Core Curricula of ALA Accredited Programs - http://www.ala.org/ala/accreditationb/Core_Competencies_Comparison.pdf
Appendix 1: ALA Draft Competencies - http://www.ala.org/ala/accreditationb/Draft_Core_Competencies_07_05.pdf
Appendix 2: Data Matrix - http://www.ala.org/ala/accreditationb/Data_Matrix_Comparison.doc
It's an interesting report as the opening para declares: "This research shows that ALA-accredited programs have curricula in line with the latest draft proposed core competencies.1 (Appendix A at http://www.ala.org/ala/accreditationb/Draft_Core_Competencies_07_05.pdf ) Of the 56 institutions hosting ALA-accredited programs, 53 (94.6%) have courses to address all eight (8) core competencies. Were the draft proposed core competencies to be adopted by ALA, under the flexible language of the Standards, programs would be able to continue to deliver courses consistent with the core competencies in the same manner as they currently do."
12:02:56 PM
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Are librarians into authority? What is authoritative information anyway? Are authority and accuracy synonymous? For example, just how authoritative is the wikipedia's entry on Bharatanatyam? The wikipedia is created in what can be called a commons-based peer production of knowledge model. Many people write the entries and often we can't and don't know who wrote them. For readers (and librarians), this makes it hard to decide whether to trust in the information, especially if one does not know the topic - if one is learning it. Checking references, finding other and multiple sources for the same information should help. But still, we're left with lots of questions about exactly how authority and accuracy correlate.
7:44:05 AM
© Copyright
Anita S. Coleman.
Last update:
6/12/2006; 9:27:44 PM.
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