Thanks to Carla Stoffle for information about a study which examined newly proposed ALA core competencies and the online descriptions of LIS accredited programs. The report and accompanying data are now available from the ALA Accreditation website.
Title: Comparison of ALA Draft Competencies and Core Curricula of ALA Accredited Programs -
Appendix 1: ALA Draft Competencies -
Appendix 2: Data Matrix -
It's an interesting report as the opening para declares: "This research shows that ALA-accredited programs have curricula in line with the latest draft proposed core competencies.1 (Appendix A at ) Of the 56 institutions hosting ALA-accredited programs, 53 (94.6%) have courses to address all eight (8) core competencies. Were the draft proposed core competencies to be adopted by ALA, under the flexible language of the Standards, programs would be able to continue to deliver courses consistent with the core competencies in the same manner as they currently do."