Friday, November 07, 2003

Anonymous Blogging Tool. Andrew Orlowski of The Register spots, which, according to its makers, "lets you publish a weblog using GPG and... [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]

12:33:52 PM    

All Headline News is a new service that generates RSS feeds for publications that don't have them. I've been working with Jeff Brown for the last few days, getting his RSS in shape, and it's looking pretty good now. Then I asked for a feature I've been wanting for ages, the ability to have an RSS feed that, each time it's generated, does a search, and returns articles that contain the search term. I asked for it, and got it. Cool. Here's a feed that returns news about Harvard. I'm subscribed. And one with news about Presidential candidate Al Sharpton. I think a lot of aggregator users are going to love this feature. [Scripting News]

12:30:27 PM    

Google starts searching from the desktop. Internet search giant Google Inc. is looking to make inroads into the desktop with the rollout Thursday of its free Google Deskbar software, which allows Windows users to search the Web and applications without opening a browser. [InfoWorld: Top News]

12:29:44 PM