Wednesday, August 13, 2003
website. Andy Finney, of the original BBC Domesday project, has a website on the original project and its recent emulation. "Let's not decry Domesday as a waste of time and money. It is a salutary lesson in technology creep and we need to know how to cope with it." [future of the book news]
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CAMiLEON. "In making data accessible it was, of course, impertative not to fall into the same trap as in 1986 and to understand that a crucial part of digital preservation is not simply maintaining a copy of the data but maintaining a means of accessing that data. Current media such as CD-ROMs are likely to be just as short-lived as the rapidly changing media of the past; paper tape, punched cards, magnetic tape (e.g. QIC 24), 8" floppies, to name but a few examples. Therefore, to avoid obsolescence of both data and emulation software in turn, the CAMiLEON team emphasised media-neutral, platform-independent formats crucial for accurate and efficient preservation over time." [future of the book news]
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