Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Music Label Cashes in by Sharing. Magnatune is trying to turn the music industry on its ear by encouraging file sharing and giving artists a large chunk of the proceeds. It seems to be working. By Chris Ulbrich. [Wired News]
5:49:28 AM
Progressive Voices: 'Let It Begin Here'. I haven't added to my Progressive Voices list lately, but I've got a great one tonight - Toby Sackton's 'Let it Begin Here'. I really can't describe Toby's blog any better than he does himself: I am from Lexington, Massachusetts.... [Channeling Cupertino]
5:18:32 AM
Walter Cronkite on Ashcroft. Walter Cronkite was a powerful voice of reason, honesty and moderation throughout his career as a journalist, and has continued to speak from his heart for a better America. In many ways, I learned my sense of right, wrong and... [Channeling Cupertino]
5:17:52 AM
Weblogs bring Second Amendment logic to the First Amendment.
The Second Amendment means everyone gets to have a gun.
The First Amendment means everyone gets to say what they want to say. But a limiting factor on freedom of speech has been that the tools of mass communication have been unavailable to most individuals. Some people are more equal than others.
Now push-button publishing onto the Web means everyone gets to have a printing press and a distribution network.
Weblogs won't undo professional media, any more than personal gun ownership has undone the military. But many Second Amendment advocates believe an armed citizenry provides a check on the government. Arming people with weblogs certainly provides a check on corporate media and the government.
If the pen is mightier than the sword, this could be a very positive development. [EdCone.com]
5:05:47 AM