Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Learner Support Services for Online Students.

Learner Support Services for Online Students: Scaffolding for Success via Online Learning Update
Quote: "A critical component of an effective retention program for online students is a learner support services program. While many factors contribute to attrition, at the top of the list are level of interaction and support. To this end, some students in distance learning programs and courses report feelings of isolation, lack of self-direction and management, and eventual decrease in motivation levels."
Comment: What we focus on is what we do well. Learner support hasn't been a focus in the elearning/distance education industry as a whole (as evidenced by few articles, limited discussion). Initially, elearning was about technology. Then over the last several years, discussion moved to facilitation. Now it will hopefully move to the learner (though I'm a cynic here - classroom education still doesn't have a learner focus).

[elearnspace blog]
11:04:15 PM