Sunday, January 04, 2004

View other people's feeds.

"Share Your OPML: A commons for sharing RSS Feeds" You can upload an OPML file from your aggregator that identifies your RSS subscriptions (or point to the place on the Web where your aggregator stores your subscriptions). This allows people who read your weblog to also view your subscriptions in a convenient way. You do have to join the service -- this is because the OPML files themselves will be aggregated in various ways (Dave hasn't said what those ways are, yet, though he is showing the top 100 and the number of subscribers to each, for example). I suspect it also allows him to deny access to any individual who might choose to abuse the service in some way.

This is one more reason why I stay with Radio, in spite of its warts. The more I look at how it's put together, the more impressed I become. Also the more embarassed about my own clumsy use of it. Well, we can't all be Robert Scoble or Joi Ito.

2:34:29 PM