Thursday, August 14, 2003

A picture named 546180241.jpgMORE GADGETS: I went to Europe on Groove business a couple of weeks ago.  It wasn't until I arrived in Vienna that I realized what a shmoe I was for not bringing along a camera.  So off I went in search of a digital camera. 

Found this one at the local camera store in Vienna.  This is one awesome camera, largely because of it's form factor.  It's the Casio Exilim "Wearable" camera (EX-S2).  If you took two PCMCIA cards and stacked them, that is just about the thickness of this device.  It is also quite light.

Shoots at 2Mpixels and sports a USB docking station which also charges the thing.  The thing takes GREAT pictures and costs about 249 Euros. 

11:28:15 PM