Faithful readers of this blog may recall that I have been looking for a job lately. Well there's been a bit of action on that front in recent weeks (which explains my absence from this blog - sorry!), and I am pleased to report that I have officially accepted a research officer position in the e-learning group of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC)'s Institute for Information Technology.
That means I will very soon be moving a thousand kilometers east of Montreal into Moncton, New Brunswick - one more time zone away from Silicon Valley! It also means I will have the opportunity to work alongside noted edublogger Stephen Downes, which I am pretty thrilled about.
Now I wouldn't go so far as stating that my blogging activity got me a job, but I'm pretty sure that it was a significant factor in the decisions to invite me for an interview and subsequently to hire me. Who is it who said that blogging doesn't pay?
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