The launch of the Wireless Unleashed group weblog gives me the delight of finally moving Andrew Odlyzko's name upwards in my sidebar, from the "without a weblog" to the "with a weblog" category. This is from Wireless Unleashed's inaugural post:
"Spectrum policy may sound like an obscure, technical topic. However, it
governs wireless technologies with huge impacts on our lives:
television, mobile phones, WiFi, GPS, and radio, to name a few. Opening
up wireless capacity could improve broadband connections to the home,
spark deployment of peer-to-peer or location-based wireless
applications, and more. In the developing world, unlicensed wireless
devices could create economic opportunity by bootstrapping network
connectivity. The potential benefits are enormous, and the consequences
for business and social interaction are significant."
I think Phil Jones provides a powerful insight in his page on Google Juice. As attention online becomes explicit and accounted for, we may "start to apply it more, to put it to better use, going
out of our way to earn it by writing more, and thinking more and
offering other favours to our net-friends. In other words, an attention economy can stimulate people to do stuff the same as the money economy." What do you think? [] links to this post 4:58:38 PM
Sebastien Paquet. Last update:
4/22/2006; 12:16:50 PM.
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