Resources about e-learning (electronic learning), otherwise known as distance education.
Monday, May 26, 2003 |
Thursday, May 22, 2003 |
Monday, May 19, 2003 |
Got an invitation to attend the ELearnChina Conference 2003 which is being held in Edinburgh (yes, the one in Scotland, not China) between 21 and 23 July 02003, Beijing (November 2003), and Shanghai. Nice slick Web site, and first time I've had to agree to enter a site that should be open to begin with! Something to do with allowing the conference organizers to continue to send me e-mail promoting this event.
5:04:32 PM Google It!
We are very pleased to announce: SimQuest 5.1
You can download SimQuest 5.1 for free from our website: www.simquest.nl
New features of SimQuest 5.1 are:
- improved installation procedure
- long directory name problem solved
- auto store option for graphs
- new library icons
- updated demo simulation
- improved SimQuest meeting
- improved hypothesis scratchpad
- improved hypothesis list
[Distribution list notice from Jan van der Meij, member of the SimQuest Team at the University of Twente, Netherlands, 15 May 02003]
2:06:56 PM Google It!
Friday, May 09, 2003 |
Thursday, April 17, 2003 |
Check out Open-Education.org, which seems to be promoting the exciting old concept of public domain digital content resources for educational resources.
Thanks to Scott Leslie's EdTechPost, 04/15/02003
9:31:55 PM Google It!
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 |
Quoting from EduTools.info,
EduTools is a resource for higher education that is designed to assist users in making a decision about their course management system. EduTools is designed specifically for higher education. If you are new to the website, it is similar to other web-based resources for consumers to choose cars, pets, or other products.
This site, originally developed by British Columbia's Centre for Curriculum, Transfer & Technology and Bruce Landon, provides the most complete independently-reviewed analyses of selected course management software tools. WCET has partnered with C2T2 as well as the creator of the Web site, Bruce Landon, a psychology faculty member at Douglas College in British Columbia.
If you are familiar with the predecessor site, Landonline, this project redesigned and expanded that site.
Thanks to Scott Leslie's EdTechPost blog where you'll find a link to EduTools.info in the About Scott Leslie section, 15 April 02003.
7:24:50 PM Google It!
Monday, March 10, 2003 |
After a fairly smooth period as a public draft, IMS Learning Design has now been accepted as a full specification by a 94% majority of IMS members. In a sense, the real deal starts now, as the specification is now stable enough for the vendors to develop.
7:09:06 PM Google It!
Wednesday, February 26, 2003 |
CanCore (Canadian Core Learning Object Metadata Application Profile) "is intended to facilitate the interchange of records describing educational resources and the discovery of these resources both in Canada and beyond its borders. CanCore is based on and fully compatible with the IEEE Learning Object Metadata [LOM] standard and the IMS Learning Resource Meta-data specification. The CanCore Initiative has been funded through the CANARIE-sponsored BELLE and POOL projects, the Netera Alliance, Industry Canada, and through Alberta Learning, TeleEducation NB and the Electronic Text Centre of the University of New Brunswick. The primary participants in the CanCore initiative are currently Norm Friesen (norm.friesen@ualberta.ca), and Anthony Roberts (toni@teleeducation.nb.ca)."
9:13:54 PM Google It!
Tuesday, February 25, 2003 |
© 2003 David Mattison
Last Update: 7/13/2003; 11:41:09 AM

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