C# Crawler
Sagiv Hadaya is crawling in C#...just for fun

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Tuesday, August 13, 2002
Good (Great) TCP/IP Tutorial

TCP/IP Tutorial. Ran into a good introduction to TCP/IP, including simple explanations of the various layers and protocols and a detailed explanation of addressing. Recommended reading. [Peter Drayton's Radio Weblog]
7:23:37 PM    
Free C# IDE (plus source)

A great and usefull IDE for C#, its great because its free, it comes with the source, and its written ontop .NET.

myself? well i am a Microsoft Freak, so i use Visual C# (Visual Studio .NET)

6:44:10 PM    
Microsoft in LinuxWorld

Microsoft Puts On the Tux. What's Microsoft doing at LinuxWorld, which starts Tuesday in San Francisco? And what is it doing with such a big booth? 'I can't honestly say that I believe everyone at the show will be happy to see us,' a company official admits. By Michelle Delio. [Wired News]
5:39:32 PM    
Are you allergic to pentiums?

Woman claims she's allergic to Pentiums

...But not to 486s

The woman has filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Economics in the Netherlands, and, apparently against Intel too, claiming that the processor gives off particular radiations which cause her to break out in hives. [...]

1:09:01 PM    
Fuel Battery..

For PDA's, Cell Phones, and actually everything there is... MTI is a company who works on a new generation energy cells...these energy cells are fuel cells. you can catch the company's technology info here.

Basically they are working now on compacting the cells, and placing them im hand held devices. all researches show that a fuel cell can power a device twice the time that a normal Li-Polymer Battery can.

The funny question is...will we stop at a gas station and ask for cell phone re-fuel?

9:42:33 AM    

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