Updated: 8/15/2007; 1:11:42 PM

Dispatches from the Frontier
Musings on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

daily link  Monday, January 03, 2005

Developing Organizational Decision-making Capacity

It's not news that an entrepreneur can constrain the growth of his or her company.  If a company's managerial capacity is limited to the entrepreneurs' individual capacity, the company isn't likely to experience sustained growth.  Because managerial capacity is a function, at least in part, of decision-making capacity, the number and skill of decision-makers must increase over time if a company is to meet its potential*.

Some time ago, I spoke with my friend, and serial entrepreneur, John Funk about his experience.


*By decision, I mean the intentional allocation of scarce resources towards the achievement of a business objective.  Making a decision is more than reaching a logical conclusion.

4:00:48 PM permalink 

Copyright 2007 © W. David Bayless