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26 mai 2004

China Developing own Standards.

Posted by CmdrTaco (20% noise) View
J ROC writes “Encouraged by their government Chinese electronics firms are shunning technological protocols invented abroad and developing their own, according to this article. The Chinese have developed several standards including EVD to replace DVD standards, and TD-SCDMA to replace the CDMA cell phone standard found elsewhere. The reasons seem to be partly based on “techno-nationalism”, and Chinese firms growing tired of paying foreign patent fees. While this may force foreign firms to lower their patent fees, some experts warn that China risks isolating itself if it creates standards that are incompatible with the rest of the world.”

Linus is Chinese? - by Vellmont (Score: 4, Interesting) Thread
It has been promoting as more secure the homegrown Red Flag Linux, based on an open-code operating system. 
First Linux was invented by the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, and now Linus is Chinese. Methinks the article author doesn’t get it with respect to linux. 
As far as the other technolgies, I think the EVD standard is doomed to failure. People are going to want DVDs from abroad, and a player that only does EVD isn’t going to sell. The mobile phone standard doesn’t matter. The US has gone its own way with cell phone standards and the sky hasn’t fallen yet. There’s not a lot of compelling reasons why mobile phone standards have to be compatible with the rest of the world, and China is definately big enough to set their own standard. 
As far as this cry of “nationalism”, that just sounds like posturing to justify this to a certain communist segment of the Chinese populace. Setting your own standards and avoiding patent fees sounds like capitalism to me.

So Chinese OSS is called Isolation? - by Clinoti (Score: 5, Interesting) Thread
While this may force foreign firms to lower their patent fees, some experts warn that China risks isolating itself if it creates standards that are incompatible with the rest of the world.”

Bullhockey, the rest of the world will cater easily to a market of possibly 1.3 billion consumers, let us not forget the system of capitalism which does not really care who is buying it as long as someone is buying it. If the cost of licensing and fees are so high in a market where the foothold was not that strong to begin with then it would only follow reason that people/corporations/governments will adapt to the fabrication of their own systems…which is the same argument we use in the OSS community.

Additionally, China does not like to follow foreign arrangements, they tangle with democracy and touches of capitalism too much as it is (their opinion), having them rely on those same foreign arrangements undermines the authority of the governing powers.

It’s about time that China started doing these things, hopefully the push in the technology direction wont spark another arms race, but rather easier and open stream technology and systems for the lower end users.

Good for the chinese… - by jwthompson2 (Score: 5, Insightful) Thread
… as a sovereign state. Not so good for those who dream of a one world integrated system. I don’t concieve of any reason interchanges couldn’t be develop to allow the chinese standards to coexist with the rest of the world, sure it will be bothersome to some, but maybe this will give China an opportunity to innovate in new and interesting ways. What some may regard as fractioning I would say could potentially spurr innovation and competition. But you know, why look for a bright side to this when it gives us ample opportunity to pull a chicken little or to belittle somebody else… 
Woot for the chinese! Dirty commies! :-)

Turning the table - by DJ Rubbie (Score: 5, Interesting) Thread

While this may force foreign firms to lower their patent fees, some experts warn that China risks isolating itself if it creates standards that are incompatible with the rest of the world.

While that is true, China could also benefit from setting their own standards, letting other corporations or other countries use it for free or much lower cost than the more costly, patent protected counterparts. That will likely turn the table around and isolate the more expensive alternatives of what we have now, and will be using their cheaper and possibly superior standards for our future needs.

Taking cues from Microsoft - by Ximbiot (Score: 5, Insightful) Thread
I don’t know about that isolation warning. China is pretty big and has access to cheap labor. Microsoft isolated itself right into a market monopoly by ignoring standards.

[AlterSlash (Extended Remix)]

How to insulate yourself 101. Standards are for inter-operability. Shunning them to save money is very short-sighted. But this is typically Chinese: better one buck today than two tomorrow.

12:06:45 PM Google It!    comment []   - See Also:  Politics  Trackback: trackback []

The Windows Cluster [ClusterWorld]

Now you can crash more than one computer at the same time!

11:20:41 AM Google It!    comment []   - See Also:  Micro$oft  Trackback: trackback []

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