Updated: 4/6/2005; 10:35:07 PM.
house of warwick
Steve Kirks--Weblogs in business, Radio Userland, technology and people

Sunday, March 23, 2003

So a man comes to our door at 9:30 p.m. asking for money for a locksmith. I stepped outside to talk to him, got the 'willies' and sent him on his way. I thought I'd post this info on my weblog just in case I can't remember it later.

Physical description: male, white, late 40's, about 6-5 and thin/medium build, bald on top, salt and pepper hair on the sides and mustache. clean teeth. spoke evenly with a semi-deep voice. Purported to be a Chistian minister with 20 years experience and a counseling office in the plaza towers building. Might have said his name was Paul. New in town, "new neighbor" was his phrase. said he lived at 538, just up the street and locked himself out of his house. He tried three different locksmiths and they all wouldn't let him in unless he had the money upfront ($60). He then said that he was $18 short. I told him that I thought that most locksmiths would let someone in if they could provide proof that they lived there. He dodged the question/statement saying that his driver's license had a PO Box on it for security reasons since he was a christian counselor.

What strikes me now is how quick I was to open the door and step outside to talk. He could have hit me or tried to kidnap me and I wouldn't have been able to do much. Tammy answered the door first, but didn't open it (thank God). This whole thing scared me sh*tless.

That's all for now. I'll post more in the morning if needed.
9:52:57 PM    comments []

I've been impressed by the restrained political comments during the Oscars broadcast. I know that the presenters and the "winners' were cautioned not to prattle on about war items, but some have managed to slip some out.

I read a bit of online Oscar coverage, including the attributed from scripting.com "backstage" blog by a person named Ian. What a disappointment. He's backstage and we get a repeat of the winners and what they said. So what.

I just watched Michael Moore make a fool of himself on national TV. Subtract the political content of his acceptance speech and what do you have? Nothing. Just because you got your "15 minutes" of fame doesn't mean you have to prove to the world just how stupid you can be.
9:22:11 PM    comments []

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