Running Radio on a Home Server updated
Updated the "Running Radio on a Home Server" story. I update the story to reflect the newer computer I'm running now (faster, additional RAM, bigger HD).
Here you'll find postings on my work with Radio, scoops on new features and inside information about the software
Updated the "Running Radio on a Home Server" story. I update the story to reflect the newer computer I'm running now (faster, additional RAM, bigger HD).
Via Scripting News:
Tim Jarrett defines weblog. [Scripting News]
I love this definition. Tim, can I use it for my articles?
Checking the Manila-Blogger bridge in Radio
I'm experimenting with the Manila-Blogger bridge in Radio, in an effort to get my weblog mirrored on my Userland-hosted site ( and my main domain ( This is mainly an exercise of mild interest. I should be working on a new product for Radio, but more about that in other posts.
Update: I changed the bridge settings to match the correct upstreaming settings for the server at Userland. Let's see what happens!
Update 2: changed username to just the usernum instead of the weblog URL.
Update 3: did some quick Google research to no avail. If anyone knows the magic trick to make Radio upstream to the Userland server *and* FTP upstream to another server with the *same* content, post a comment and/or email me (srk at mac dot com)
Update 4: re-enabled the bridge, pointing to
Update 5: : made a quick change to the