Updated: 10/3/2005; 7:23:28 PM

  Saturday, April 17, 2004


Lisa Williams caught me flat-footed this afternoon during the BloggerCon FatMan session. I was writing another post, so I abandonded it, listened and can now explain. She must have read my brief post describing my dissatisfaction with the group she led.

Lisa, I needlessly compared it to this post that you wrote summarizing the wish list. This would have been a great structure to feed the discussion. I felt like it was more like "I use this to blog" not *how* to make blog tools better.

Andrew's infrastructure session suffered under my criticism, too as it was a topic that developers were interested in but the conference rules didn't allow the depth we wanted. I found myself wandering to the Blogs in Business session. Not Andrew's fault--mine for my own lack of focus.

2 down

Been through two sessions now at BloggerCon II. Visions from users was a disappointment--vision without sight or focus. Imagine several people putting their ideas in a hat and pulling them out at random for recitiation. I was hoping to find out what users want, and I heard that, but the content was lost in the morass.

Infrastructure did not hold my interest--I ended up more in the Blogging in Business session, which was more informative about selling/understanding blogs in business. Should have been there, because I already knew most of Andrew's stuff.

Thanks to Lisa and Andrew for their hard work in putting things together. Not a value to me, though