Updated: 10/18/2005; 5:02:59 PM

  Thursday, December 16, 2004

Steve's Year End Sale

Update: Prices added

I've got a variety of things I'm putting up for sale, older machines and parts that I don't need. I'm working on a deal to get an iBook (yum!) so it's year-end sale time!

  • $50 -- iMac G3/400 for parts--no RAM, no HD--good logic board, good CD/DVD drive, monitor is fine but analog video board is bad, blue case
  • $100 -- Dell L500cx PC--no RAM, no HD--Celeron 500--perfect working order. Can't use anything over 256MB RAM sticks, will hold three. Will include keyboard and mouse.
  • $100 -- Compaq ProLiant 3000--P2/333--256MB RAM, 3 4.3 GB SCSCI2 drives
  • $50 -- DLT Drive, 15/30GB with 12 tapes and cleaning tape
  • $200 -- Compaq Proliant 1600R--P3/600--384MB RAM, 2 9.1GB UltraSCSI2 drives, 4/8GB DAT internal with tapes
  • $25 -- 20GB IDE drive, Maxtor, 7200RpM
  • $25 -- 20GB IDE drive, Western Digital, 7200RPM
  • $10 each -- 3 Apple USB keyboards from 2000, two grey, one blue--dirty but work fine--they include the power button and the smaller function keys
  • $25 -- Handspring Treo 270 with cracked color screen. Works fine, replacement screen available online for $40

I created a new category for this. Here's the RSS feed. I'll post updates there as bids come in and things are sold. If all else fails, eBay.

I'll part any or all of this out as needed. The goal: $400 to buy the used iBook. If I have too, I'll sell the new RetroBox:

$200 -- PowerMac G3/400--512MB RAM, 40GB HD, RagePro PCI w/16MB RAM