Updated: 10/3/2005; 10:23:08 PM

  Monday, September 12, 2005

Frontier community member Terry Teague dies at age 50

Dave notes this morning that Terry Teague died. Listed in the credits for Frontier 1.0 and a project admin for HTML Tidy and Frontier OSR on SourceForge. Terry was also responsible for two great tools for the Mac: a Tidy plugin for BBEdit and a Mac Classic version of HTML Tidy.

I regret that I did not know Terry personally, only through his work in the Frontier community and via mailing lists.

I found this remembrance of Terry written by George (Ty) Tempel while searching for his links to MacTidy. I can't find the name of author in order to properly thank them for writing it.

Update: corrected my link to Frontier's credits after seeing Dave's updated post. Update #2: added author name of Terry's remembrance based a Tony's comment.

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