Book Reviews
-- Comment() Direct Print Standard (DPS): "Six leading digital imaging companies have today announced a new direct printing standard for the connection of digital cameras and photo printers." [Digital Photography Review (]
-- Comment() APL Crosswords: "Darius wants to know if similar things were done in other languages. I really don't know. APL sure does separate the men from the boys..." [Lambda the Ultimate] I once wrote a guide on APL2, and it didn't feel at all like separating the men from the boys. Almost the opposite. Sometimes APL is called a 'write-only' language.
-- Comment() NYT On Women In Blogging: "Wow! I got a mention in the New York Times. How totally cool. Telling All Online: It's a Man's World (Isn't It?) By Lisa Guernsey, for the NY Times." [On Lisa Rein's Radar]
-- Comment() Deep Thoughts On Virtual Universities: "THE DISRESPECTED STUDENT - A Talk with Roger Schank (Thanks, Clay). Universities are scrambling to get into the distance education business." [On Lisa Rein's Radar]
-- Comment() New Interview for Creative Commons: Doc Searls: "... interview with Doc Searls has just been published on the Creative Commons website, along with information about the upcoming December 16th launch!" [On Lisa Rein's Radar]
-- Comment() New Model Hints at Quick Formation of Gas Giants: "Current models of solar system evolution posit that a planet of Jupiter's size and scope would need more than a million years to form. But scientists have discovered close to 100 similar giant planets orbiting nearby stars..." [Google Technology News]
-- Comment() Pasadena company's robot is fun , but not very useful - - yet: "The ER1 personal robot won't make coffee, pick up the newspaper, vacuum the floors or even walk the dog. With prices starting at $599, it seems most adept at emptying wallets." [Google Technology News]
-- Comment() WLAN security is still work in progress: "IT managers are cautiously optimistic that wireless networks will - over time - become as secure as today's local area networks, but security concerns are still holding back deployment of the technology." (On The Register: Security) [News Is Free: Popular Items]
-- Comment() Cringely to the Music Industry: Adapt Or Die: "Resistance is Futile How Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Is Likely to Change Big Media By Robert X. Cringely for PBS." [On Lisa Rein's Radar]
-- Comment() Recommended Reading: "A few recent items that caught our eye: Technorati Link Cosmos; the Venus-Mars divide in Blogville; more Smartmobbin'; Michael Kinsley on GoogleNews; Postcards from Planet Google; Sony re-engineering for a networked world and The Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism." [Hypergene MediaBlog]