Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Friday, December 5, 2003

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I added two new book reviews (in Finnish) to my collection:

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Collaborative Editing with Rendezvous: "Wei-Meng Lee, writing for the O'Reilly Network, examines two collaborative editing applications that take advantage of Rendezvous. Lee provides an overview of SubEthaEdit and iStorm."

Nice reviews!

SubEthaEdit is simple, yet powerful. For example, the web preview feature is a nice addition when you are editing HTML documents. However, BBEdit provides more features, and the price is not too steep.

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When Technology Is Heartwarming: [T]his moment was [...] was an emotional, powerful, simple, perfect example of how technology can change a moment, solve a problem, and despite the gulf of time and distance, bring you face to face with the people you love." (New York Times via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]

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Software patent fun: "This is an amusing yet rather scary look at just how software patents might influence your average e-commerce website." [kasia in a nutshell]

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More SCO fud, this time insulting the constitution: [A]fter reading this extraordinary document by Darl McBride of SCO infamy, I could resist canceling this morning meetings to respond. From the start of this pathetic lawsuit, Eben Moglen of the Free Software Foundation has argued that there was nothing behind the SCO claims. His arguments are persuasive. But if you want a clue of just how clueless this case is, consider the constitutional arguments made by SCO." [Lessig Blog]