Book Reviews
![]() What's Really Behind the Apple-Intel Alliance: "In striking a computer chip deal with Intel, Steven Jobs, Apple Computer's chief executive, has opened a range of tantalizing new options for his quirky company." [NYT > Technology]
![]() Quantum dots for detecting respiratory viral infections: "In what may be one of the first medical uses of nanotechnology, a chemist and a doctor who specializes in infectious childhood diseases have joined forces to create an early detection method for a respiratory virus that is the most common cause of hospitalization among children under five." [Biology News Net]
![]() 'Sinkers' provide missing piece in deep-sea puzzle: "One of the biggest questions in modern oceanography is how animals in the deep sea get enough to eat. Marine biologists at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) recently published a paper that helps answer this question, at least for animals that live on the deep seafloor..." [Biology News Net]
![]() The New Chips on the Block: "AMD and Intel are turning to dual-core processors to squeeze more performance out PCs. Here's what you need to know about computing's next big wave." [Wired News]
![]() I'm away from work for a month, spending time with my family. I hope there will be at least a bit of good weather. So far there haven't been many warm and sunny days in Finland.