Book Reviews
![]() You Can Be Smart and Married: "Despite suggestions to the contrary, you don't have to be dumb to trap a husband or rich to acquire a wife." [Wired News]
![]() Mouse balls are now available: "It is recommended that each service technician keep a pair of balls for maintaining optimum customer satisfaction."
![]() Three years ago I wrote a poem about switching to Mac. That was a hot topic then. Today, quite a few PC users have switched, at least Macs are much more popular now that they used to be. Here is the poem for your pleasure. iSwitch to iMac
iHate my PC
iSeek iAsk iHope
in iTunes iCreate: iRip iMix iBurn
iSleep iDream iSmile
![]() What is Amazon Mechanical Turk? "When we think of interfaces between human beings and computers, we usually assume that the human being is the one requesting that a task be completed, and the computer is completing the task and providing the results. What if this process were reversed and a computer program could ask a human being to perform a task and return the results? What if it could coordinate many human beings to perform a task?"
![]() Apple looses leadership to Microsoft! "Microsoft is the undisputed leader in color today. And it doesn't come out of nowhere. It is a result of a brilliant strategy that was perceived by Mr. Gates years ago, evident soon after by the release of Windows XP. The color scheme of XP was not copied from Apple's OSX, but - in a surprising move - from another leader in the field of color: FisherPrice. XP with its colorful GUI was a roaring success, pleasing the child inside every computer buying consumer."
![]() World of Warcraft hackers using Sony BMG rootkit: "Want to cheat in your online game and not get caught? Just buy a Sony BMG copy protected CD."