Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Monday, March 19, 2007

[Item Permalink] Don't sponsor telemarketing -- Comment()
I don't accept calls from people I don't know: "Imagine the annoyance of being greeted by someone I don't know representing some charity I've never heard of who is asking for money to resolve some crisis I don't know anything about. Roughly 45 seconds into the exchange (and by "exchange" I mean "monologue" since the other person hadn't yet shut up since I said "hello"), I rudely interrupted her..." [Jeremy Zawodny's blog]

Fortunately there isn't too much telemarketing here in Finland, but nevertheless it happens once in a while. And my approach is also rude, to the point of insulting, although I generally like to talk on the phone. But I don't want to encourage this kind of thing becoming more common.

[Item Permalink] Corrupting Finland -- Comment()
Finland is one of the least corrupt countries in the world. But this only applies to economics and administration. When we are talking about information technology, things are different. (See my new column, in Finnish, Korruptoituva Suomi.)