Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Monday, December 29, 2003

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Distributing free music: "Music giveaways are believed to foster customer loyalty. Expect Apple to sign many contracts allowing companies such as MacDonald's and Pepsi to give away millions upon millions of songs. Doing the same with CDs would be prohibitively expensive (and a logistic nightmare). A gift code to be redeemed by downloading one song at Apple's iTunes Music Store is easy to print and track. Plus it works on both MacOS and Windows platforms." [Jinn of Quality and Risk]

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Apple describes the G5 supercomputer at Virginia Tech in detail: cost-conscious supercomputing. [via Macsanomat]

[Item Permalink] What have I done? -- Comment()
It was time to update my CV. I added a couple of articles, and polished some details. So, here is my CV: pdf (recommended for best readability), html, txt. A longer version of the CV includes a list of popular articles and columns: pdf.

In all, I have now written (and published) about 380 articles, essays, and other short writings. Also, I have written, co-written and edited 32 books. Some of these have appeared in several editions (up to four editions). Also, I have been involved in organizing dozens of courses, and have given several dozen lectures during the years.

It is nice to note these things every once in a while. However, the most important thing for me right now is my family. All these other things are little in comparison.