Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Tuesday, December 12, 2006

[Item Permalink] Six-word strories about information technology -- Comment()
Inspired by a recent Wired article about six-word short-short science fiction stories, I invented about two dozen stories on information technology. It was suprisingly easy to find ideas for this kind of writing. (In Finnish, Kuuden sanan tarinoita tietotekniikasta.)

[Item Permalink] New book reviews -- Comment()
Here are some new book reviews (written by me in Finnish). They originally appeared in the Tietoyhteys magazine. In total, I have written about 110 book reviews, which is a bit suprising, but on the other hand, writing one, e.g., monthly is not a great task as such. There are so many good books which benefit from each bit of publicity they can get. (Unfortunately quite few people write book reviews any more.)