Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Thursday, June 12, 2008

[Item Permalink] An opinion piece in Helsingin Sanomat -- Comment()
Today my opinion piece on the role of science in society appeared in the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. The title was changed but the text mostly as it was - however, I had a phone discussion with an editor who wanted some scientific terms changed to easier ones. In retrospect, it is interesting to note that the text also contains some advanced economic terms which the editor accepted as they were.

[Item Permalink] EU wants openness - sends message to Microsoft -- Comment()
New York Times reports on the EU comments related to Microsoft business practices vs. openness:
"I know a smart business decision when I see one - choosing open standards is a very smart business decision indeed," Ms. Kroes told a conference in Brussels. "No citizen or company should be forced or encouraged to choose a closed technology over an open one."