This is my first post, hopefully of many, from OSX.
My 17" PowerBook turned up last week. I've been using it in earnest now for 2 days and I absolutely love it. The screen is huge yet the laptop is way less bulky & lots lighter to lug about than my old Dell laptop.
This laptop is absolutely gorgeous and I really like OSX - a great UI, Unix (with all the nice unix features, nice shells, great for running the various GNU/open source stuff like apache, mysql, postgresql, internet stuff, bash etc), eclipse works very nicely, great Java support (Swing looks great!) and real MS Office - what more could a geek want?
I admit it, I even played with the light switch to watch the screen auto-adjust its brightness and watch the keyboard glow :). I think I'm in love...
My only gripe so far is that they could have easily squeezed full size cursor keys & separate page up/down home/end keys on the keyboard (there's loads of room). Oh and why didn't they make OSX years ago, I'd have switched much sooner...
8:22:09 AM