Monday, April 26, 2004 |
I've used eclipse now for a few years and loved it. But on OS X its a
little sluggish. I've tried IDEA before and thought it was OK but the
support for multi-projects put me off - I typically work on many
projects at the same time, plus I was totally hooked on eclipse's
'problem log' which incrementally rebuilds your project as you edit.
So I thought I'd take IDEA for another test drive. Its got modules now which helps work with multi-projects. On OS X its just so
fast, whereas there always seems to be a little delay when you do
things in eclipse. When you're busy & have lots to do you really
don't want to have to wait for your IDE to catch up with your brain
& fingers.
Well I think its finally gonna happen. Various friends & colleagues
have tried to persuade me to switch and I think now I've seen the
light. After 3 days solid hacking in IDEA I think its love :)
So far the only downside is the CVS support - if you've used eclipse's
CVS support you'll probably know what I mean (though they messed it up
some in 3.0 M8 with that silly extra dialog on 'synchronize with
repository'). But considering how fast I can hack code & refactor
in IDEA I'm now sold & the not-so-good CVS support (and the money)
are relatively small prices to pay for a real snappy IDE with some very
nice features.
9:53:27 AM
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