Glen Daniels : it's just metadata...
Updated: 12/11/2003; 10:06:02 AM.


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Sunday, November 16, 2003
Clear and Breezy, Mid-30s (3:57:49 PM)

I am 35 years old today.  I switch back and forth between incredulity that I'm this old, and a sort of placid acceptance of cresting the hill which slides inevitably down to... well, 40 and beyond, I guess.  All in all things have turned out pretty well so far, although I'm not leading exactly the life I'd expected of my mid-30s back when I was 20.  Getting older is just weird.

I've spent a lot of time talking and hanging out with high school friends in the past week, which has been great.  Lots of synchronicities - my friend Dan (who lives in North Carolina) is contracting up in Boston now for a while, so we went out for dinner and a movie on Thursday.  While we were at the movie, another of our HS friends called his cellphone - a friend who's wife (and high-school sweetheart) I'd just seen for dinner last week in California.  And then the next night I got a call from our friend Jeff to tell me he'd made partner at his law firm in Cleveland!  Jeff and I had a terrific conversation on the phone yesterday, which reminded me what a shame it was that we don't talk more often.  And returning to the birthday theme, Jeff's birthday is Tuesday (he was always frustrated at being two days younger than I was when we were kids - now the tables have turned and he's all excited about it :)).

I'm working on writing some example code for our upcoming book (the 2nd edition of Building Web Services with Java) right now, and in a little while I'm going to go out to the blues jam at Johnny D's, play a set or two, and then head to dinner with my family at a new restaurant in the South End called the Union Bar and Grille, which is supposed to be just faboo - it's by the same team that did Aquitaine and Aquitaine Bis.

Fittingly, the weather report says tonight's temperature will be "in the mid-30s".  Me too.

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