Updated: 1/8/03; 2:00:16 pm.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Saturday, October 26, 2002

There's a new picture on my 3D site. A Ghostship...
8:31:28 PM    comment []

Oh. Siegfried Unseld is dead.
Nach langer Krankheit: Siegfried Unseld ist tot - Kultur - SPIEGEL ONLINE: " Siegfried Unseld, einer der bedeutendsten Verleger der Nachkriegszeit, ist tot. Er starb in der Nacht zum Samstag."
3:05:14 PM    comment []

Where's Captain Kirk? Enough for today.
A picture named kirk.gif
1:22:10 PM    comment []

A weblog by an american living in England...funny, he notices exactly the same things I do.
1:14:17 PM    comment []

A typography website. In german.
12:16:07 PM    comment []

Interesting blog from Berlin (in english) about Apple, OS X, Berlin and all sorts of other stuff.
12:09:56 PM    comment []

It's not always Helvetica then:
reduce to the max. For about three quarters of a century now, the phrase 'Neue Schweizer Grafik' ('New Swiss Graphic Design') has been more than a denotative combination of words -- it has become a brand name... [xBlog: The visual thinking weblog | XPLANE]
12:03:18 PM    comment []

UK Doc Marten production gets the boot. Business: Dr Martens says it is closing its British factories and moving production to China with the loss of 1,000 jobs. [Guardian Unlimited]
11:57:20 AM    comment []

blooger.com being hacked:
Blog site back up after hack attack - Tech News - CNET.com
11:52:48 AM    comment []

A picture named Fools.gifRob - Stranded on the crazy planet - will return early next week. Meanwhile, have fun with the chicken, or cock, or whatever.
11:45:37 AM    comment []

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