Updated: 1/8/03; 2:00:54 pm.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Saturday, November 2, 2002

Found a very funny Apple rumours site...
Crazy Apple Rumors Site: "Airport-Enabled Laptops Linked To Sterilization In Men."
10:12:52 PM    comment []

Via Der Schockwellenreiter - a really good german anti-spam site:
Spamming Warfare|Hilfe,Tips,Tricks,Tools und mehr: "Es gibt viele Wege um sich zu schützen, in manchen Fällen kann einem Spammer sogar das Handwerk gelegt werden und umworbene Seiten werden geschlossen. "
9:27:47 PM    comment []

Something's wrong. Radio UserLand doesn't render the HTML links as links anymore, only as text. What is going on? See also Der Schockwellenreiter
9:12:06 PM    comment []

A picture named bba0.jpgThe good artist, the duck man! Everything about Carl Barks (in german):
The HTML BarksBase: "Dies ist eine HTML-Version der PC-Datenbank BarksBase. Sie enthält den gesamten Datenumfang der PC-Ausgabe, allerdings nicht ganz so komfortable Such- und Filterfunktionen. Genauer gesagt: gar keine, von der Volltextsuche des Browsers mal abgesehen. Dafür enthält die HTML-BarksBase eine größere Anzahl sozusagen festverdrahteter Listen, die den am häufigsten benutzten Filter- und Sortieroptionen der PC-BarksBase entsprechen. "
7:21:07 PM    comment []

Apple goes Micro$oft? Scary indeed!
Mac OS Rumors: "This feature is a bit scary - system-level anti-piracy enforcement. There is not a lot of detail given, but it is explicitly suggested that Apple developers wanted to include such functionality in 10.1 and then moved it to 10.2 - clearly it has still not been implemented, but it could very well still be in the pipeline despite Apple's public statements that it wants only to "help honest people stay honest" and considers strict copy protection for software or media to be counter-productive...."
7:06:40 PM    comment []

A picture named FW_5.jpgAnd Finnegans Wake, part 5.
5:29:50 PM    comment []

More fake addresses for the spambots:
nwgch@yfdkggwwwnbem.st, mmgzmsonn@hgxctdizwzioohsje.pl, asepdmg@jljtthxrehe.us, peeeonpro@txdaeksdkwyeekrxdc.br, zjallac@euccfgvtinyxzumgpdw.at, mugfu@wmmtitydw.edu, xhgfqgvn@jtzmcosczfgixm.de, qlsv@jyxydxjujcmckilzhsu.org, gsh@yxlxmqqrnmjgvxpx.nl, wefovifp@elvahavfigpvwwem.com, rochhfcfs@fququwvomgjtbofmd.de, oyxgkasw@oyxi.it, lyyjcfl@hganyzeit.com, euhmc@tjaomfyarasquls.ru, bdniht@ffkzppfi.us, vplikud@wlewwycbmsyngxz.es, ennxehu@auhaontclvorhkgy.fr, gakzms@jvthnkdztpiscbylhclk.us, aslxwelgkh@bumkleaopvzqrjzib.ru, bvh@ihtayjjgkcbpn.com
5:10:57 PM    comment []

A picture named Sketchy.gifUseless sketches. More Finnegans Wake later on today, while Rob will return next week. Hop.
10:50:42 AM    comment []

More about Spam.
The Laboratorium: The Laboratorium: "Last week, spammers discovered blogs."
10:35:57 AM    comment []

Perhaps I should try SpamFire. I'm getting more and more Spam every day, and even Mail's Junk Filter is not perfect...
Building a personal Spam strategy. O'Reilly Networks has an interesting end-of-the-week story in Building your personal anti-spam strategy. [Mac Net Journal]
10:31:11 AM    comment []

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