Updated: 1/8/03; 2:07:44 pm.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Friday, December 13, 2002

A picture named GH15.jpgCurrencies. Worldwide. Still remember that paper money? Banknotes? Before Credit Cards came up? This is a wonderful gallery of currencies, even Antarctica is listed. Go and have a look.
9:35:34 PM    comment []

A picture named Fools.gifWhat? The old fart is still alive? Surely not. Must be a revamp then. I used to work on the Captain Birdseye account when I was at Lintas... (English readers, don't worry: it's all about fish fingers.) Der Kontakter - Der Nachrichtendienst der Kommunikationsbranche: "Käpt'n Iglo kommt ins Fernsehen - 2003 startet Langnese-Iglo eine Kampagne, die die Marke Käpt'n Iglo zur Dachmarke für Kinder ausbauen soll. Neben den allseits beliebten Fischstäbchen wird das Unternehmen im Fernsehen auch andere Kindergerichte bewerben, die "nicht aus dem Fischbereich stammen", sagt eine Sprecherin in Hamburg."

Amazing. They tried all of the above more than ten years ago and it didn't work. And they tried a relaunch with a younger Captain Birdseye, which didn't work either. So why do they think it's supposed to work now? And if the art director thinks, he can have a few weeks off shooting in the Carribean: forget it. They'll film it somewhere around Norderney, where it's cheaper.

I think Palmolive should relaunch Madge... (good ol' Tilly in German...)
9:07:31 PM    comment []

Reindeer, ok, but "chocolate-covered insects and snake wine"? Reindeer on the menu [This is London: London News]
8:57:02 PM    comment []

A picture named swine7.gifAt last! Another RatSwine cartoon, done in-between meetings and presentation work! Now how is that?
4:29:42 PM    comment []

This is pure German, but go and have a look anyway - ::: koewi.log ::: has posted a link to a website with Donaldismen. And those are Dr Erika Fuchs' translations of Carl Barks' Duck comics: "Sinnige Sentenzen und windige Weisheiten"
2:06:46 PM    comment []

A picture named bushbox-tn.jpgAt present they only have George W. - but I am definitely looking forward to Richard Nixon! Talking Presidential Action Figures. Belongs into every household worldwide. I hope they'll extend the product range to German chancellors...
12:11:09 PM    comment []

A picture named crop0002.gifEverything about Marxism can be found at the Marxists Internet Archive. Via Linkfilter.
11:16:29 AM    comment []

A picture named batmo01s.jpgNow this is the real thing. The one and only Batmobile that matters, presented on a very extensive webpage. Blueprints, photos, stories, links - whatever you want to know about Batman's most potent secret weapon, it's there.
12:03:54 AM    comment []

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