Saturday, April 12, 2003 |
In the know. Just to let you know: I'm off to Belgium and Germany until the 25th of this month. No more entries until I'm back in London. Good gracious. Probably a few more links tomorrow. Who knows. Why can't I get a proper job in London? Why do I have to work all across Europe? Racism? After all I'm German. Hey Maurice Saatchi, hey Mr Hegarty, gimme a proper job! Silence there.
10:21:22 PM |
German. Advertising. Photography. German ads from 1925-1988 are here. I actually did a google search for 'Axel Hinnen', who coined the term 'schreIBMaschine'; and then I ended up there. It's all GGK and DDB anyway. Good old times. And - that's your Cartoonist there on the left. Ages ago. From a time when you bought a magazine like 'Der Stern' just because of the ads.Whatever happened to Axel then? I can't find him. Looks like I'm wearing a wig. Good Grief.
6:54:55 PM |
Home. This is the history of Dortmund, the town I was born and lived until about 1982. A fascinating webpage initiated by one Kurt Endrikat (my grandparents lived in Kronprinzenstraße) with many pictures out of Luise von Winterfeld's book about Dortmund, which is the book about Dortmund, the bible, the best book about the town. Funny: her niece (Grand niece? Great-grand niece?), Elisabeth von Winterfeld used to be my assistant when I worked for FCB Hamburg (she probably hates me). Strange world.Now where's the history of the Humboldt Gymnasium?
3:40:37 PM |
More old toys. More memories. Here is an online archive of old Elastolin catalogs. Elastolin manufactured highly detailed plastic figures of knights, cowboys, etc. No, without any movable joints. No, they aren't 'action-figures'. But fun they were.On Nick's Elastolin page is another catalog from 1980. And here are the knights and castles.
11:05:52 AM |
The 'untidy' freedom. Rumsfeld is an - well, you know what I mean. Baghdad 'in chaos'. 7.30am: Widespread looting· Rumsfeld: freedom is untidy· Date set for talks [Guardian Unlimited]"US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, said looting was part of the transition process and accused media reports of exaggerating the scale of the chaos. "Freedom's untidy," he said."
8:16:47 AM |
© Copyright 2004 Ralf Zeigermann.