Updated: 21/7/04; 5:12:03 pm.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Sunday, July 6, 2003

A picture named rain.gifBelgium. I'm off to Brussels, next updates probably in about a week.

Our second iChat try was at least partly successful - see the entry at IT&W. See ya!
5:12:54 PM     |     

A picture named crazy.gifWell, Tony ... ? MI6 chief briefed BBC over Iraq arms fears. · Iran and Syria 'greater danger than Saddam' · Blair stakes reputation on row over weapons dossier [Guardian Unlimited]

"This move will put him in direct conflict with Tony Blair, who dramatically upped the stakes last night by demanding a full retraction of the allegations about weapons of mass destruction, saying the charge against him was the gravest he had ever faced as Prime Minister."
10:27:04 AM     |     

A picture named face2.gifYeah, but it doesn't work. The Seattle Times: Business & Technology: iChat might be answer to big long-distance bills
1:53:46 AM     |     

A picture named schoff.gifHey-Ho, let's go. Dammit, it didn't work. Another try tomorrow. That's today, Sunday, just after the Grand Prix.

iChat. iChatAV Icon Die Zeiten ändern sich und so stimmt ein Satz nicht mehr: »Der Schockwellenreiter chattet nie!« In einer beispiellosen zweieinhalbstündigen Sitzung haben der Cartoonist, die "hochgeschätzten Bloggerkollegen" und der Schockwellenreiter in zweifacher Ausfertigung (und wir wurden auch noch kurz von WWK besucht) versucht, das neue iChatAV zu einer Audiokonferenz zu überreden. Es ist uns leider nicht gelungen. Wenn also jemand Tips oder Pointer hat... Morgen um 16:00 Uhr wollen wir es noch einmal probieren...

Aber Spaß hat's gemacht... [Der Schockwellenreiter

We've just tried to get an Audio-iChat done. It didn't work. Any ideas out there? Is it the NAT? Techies, come on!

But it was fun! Lots of fun actually.
1:15:07 AM     |     

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